Outdoor Junior Summer Training 2020

Outdoor Junior Summer Training 2020

Session Outline

The ECB have published guidelines which now allow ‘Small group cricket activity, training or fitness in groups of no more than six (6), whilst still maintaining social distancing of two (2) metres.

This means that we can hold small group sessions of five (5) children and one (1) coach.

It is permissible for two or more groups of six (6) to train at the same time provided they are kept separate, and social distancing and strict hygiene measures are observed.

Bronze Cricket Club intends to run 2 sessions on a Saturday morning starting on the 4th July. There will be four groups of five children at each session. These four groups will be positioned in each corner of the outfield to ensure no contact between groups.

The sessions will be 09:00 – 09:50am and 10:00 – 10:50am. The 10 minute interval is to ensure a safe changeover can take place between sessions.

Timeslots will be allocated when numbers have been finalised.


For Insurance purposes and to enable contact tracing all participants of these sessions need to become social members (as this is the cheapest available option). This is currently set at £5. There will be no charge for each individual session. Paying online via the website is the only option as cash / cheque payments are not allowed. This also ensures that the relevant details are collected for each participant.

If you are unable to comply with these rules then, unfortunately, you will not be able to attend the sessions.

Ground Rules

Displaying Symptoms of COVID-19

  1. Anyone displaying symptoms of COVID-19 (temperature above 37.8 °C, a persistent cough, breathing problems, a new loss of taste or smell or other symptoms identified by the UK Government) must stay at home and self-isolate in accordance with the UK Government guidance.
  2. All members of the same household must do the same even if they do not display symptoms.


  1. Personal hygiene measures should be carried out at home before and after use of the facility.
  2. Please bring your own hand sanitiser where possible. If this isn’t possible wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after visiting the club.
  3. Travel together as a household
  4. Avoid Public Transport


  1. Please try to arrive at the Club as close to the session start time as possible. If you do arrive early, then please stay in your vehicle until told it is OK to exit.
  2. We kindly ask that all parents stay in their vehicles when the sessions are ongoing to avoid contact with other households.


  1. Participants should bring their own equipment (including a bat and either a hard / soft ball. The club will not be providing any personal equipment in line with the ECB guidelines.
  2. Equipment is not to be shared by any participants during the sessions
  3. All participants should bring their own filled drinking bottles. The facilities to refill bottles or purchase drinks will not be available
  4. Equipment including bat, ball and drinks should be kept in a zipped bag when not in use. Individual areas to leave equipment will be allocated to each participant.

Social Distancing

  1. It is imperative that Social Distancing of two (2) metres is maintained at all times. Please advise your child on this fact before you arrive for the sessions.
  2. All the sessions will be set up to maintain this 2m distance between all participants including coaches.

Nets / Clubhouse

  1. The nets remain closed at this time and are not to be used by anyone, whether participating in the sessions or not.
  2. None of the clubhouse facilities are open for use except for the use of First-Aid equipment. This includes the toilets so please make sure that participants (and parents) use the toilet before attending the Club.


  1. Once your session has finished please exit the Club as promptly as possible. If this is not possible then please remain in your vehicle until you are able to leave.
  2. This will ensure a prompt changeover between the sessions.
  3. Any concerns regarding the sessions or facilities should be put to a coach or committee member but preferably via a phone call or message afterwards so as not to impede the remaining sessions.

Buy Membership

By purchasing your membership and attending these sessions you agree to the above terms and conditions. These rules are in line with current ECB guidelines and are there to ensure the safety of all people attending the Club’s facilities, including Parents.

Anyone who flouts these rules will unfortunately be asked to leave to ensure the Club’s compliance with current legislation.

To buy your social membership please click here.

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