Bronze CC COVID-19 Guidelines

Bronze CC COVID-19 Guidelines

Guidance for Participants, Officials and Spectators

Please read the important guidance below.

If at any point anyone in your household is experiencing symptoms or has experienced symptoms (whether confirmed or not as COVID-19) in the past 14 days, please DO NOT attend the match. Anyone who has been asked to self-isolate via NHS Test and Trace must not attend. 

All participants should be aware of the increase in transmission risk associated with partaking in even socially distanced group activity. Participants should understand that they are opting to participate in cricket activity, which is not risk free.


  • Wash hands and sanitise before arriving at the match
  • No changing rooms are available-all players and officials must turn up changed ready to play.
  • Kit bags etc. should be left in an outside area.
  • Hand sanitiser to be carried by all players/officials at all times.
  • No sharing of any equipment.


  • Hygiene breaks-every 6 overs/20 mins. Fielding captain to carry a sanitised cloth and it is their responsibility to complete this. Fielders and umpires to also sanitise their hands with their own hand sanitiser at this point.
  • No sweat/saliva on the ball
  • Players to be socially distanced at all times.
  • No “high-fives” or congratulatory contact.
  • Ball goes straight back to the bowler – it should not be passed around the field.
  • Bats should be sanitised after the batsman’s innings.
  • Wicket-keeping gloves should be sanitised after each innings.
  • Only an umpire should remake the wicket – no-one else.
  • Clothing and personal equipment is not to be handed to the umpire.
  • Batting 2 metre lines – run along 2 metre lines either side of the strip.
  • On-field social distancing: 2 metres at all times apart from 1 metre plus with wicket-keeper standing up and slip fielders.
  • If it rains go and sit in cars unless sufficient amount of socially distanced cover to go under.
  • No food to be provided-players and officials to bring their own food and drink consumed in the match i.e. drinks breaks-players will drink from their own bottles only.


  • Score box to be used by 1 scorer only. Other scorer to sit outside socially distanced. No shared score book/laptop/iPad etc.
  • Scorers should hold no personal items for the players and players should not be in the score-box or operate the portable scoreboard.
  • Avoid rotating or introducing new scorers during the match where possible


  • Umpires will call “time” for the hygiene breaks.
  • Umpires not to carry any personal equipment eg hats/sweaters/sunglasses. These should all to be left on the boundary.
  • Umpire to have as little contact with the ball as possible. Place ball at base of stumps during a break/fall of wicket.
  • Umpires should come from within the 30 person limit for the match.


  • The home Club will outline specific areas for officials, players/coaches, spectators.
  • Spectators should remain socially distanced at all times
  • Spectators should have no contact with the ball – please don’t pick it up and return it to the field of play.
  • Spectator groups must be restricted to discrete six person gathering limits and spread out, in line with wider UK Government guidance.
  • Spectators should not enter the areas for players/coaches/officials at any time.
  • Please pick up any litter and take it home/dispose of it in the bins.


  • All participants should sanitise their hands after the completion of activity.
  • Participants should exit whilst maintaining social distancing.
  • Social gathering after the activity will be allowed in line with current UK Government guidelines on hospitality and social distancing must be maintained.
  • One Club representative/volunteer should be responsible for collecting and disinfecting any shared equipment.

The full ECB Guidance can be explored via these links:

ECB Return to Cricket In Step 4

ECB Socially-Distanced Cricket Infographic

ECB Playing Plan Summary

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